Rain Pattern Camo - The Strichmuster Story
The term "rain" pattern refers to a camouflage design that incorporates a heavy percentage of vertically-aligned "straits" or "flecks" which suggest an image of falling rain. During the Second World War, the German Wehrmacht utilized this feature on several camouflage patterns, primarily the Splittermuster (splinter) and Sumpfmuster (marsh) designs. These patterns were later modified and reproduced by the West German Bundeswehr and Border Guards, but the "falling rain" concept - in which the rain straits themselves were isolated as the major feature on a solid color background - emerged out of the Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe. During the 1960s and 1970s when revolutionary movements were most active in Africa, some of these patterns also ended up in the hands of various insurgent organizations. The South African government even reproduced the pattern for its special forces units, where the pattern earned the nickname "rice fleck." East Germany introduced its own "rain pattern" camouflage, called Strichmuster (line pattern) in 1965, and continued to issue the pattern until 1990. (ref.*)
This East German rain pattern backpack really packs a punch. It comes with heavy duty grey backpack straps, a handle on top as well as a top strap, and side straps. The backpack straps themselves come with a clip which hangs beneath the pack in the rear and two on the chest for additional loadout. Another cool feature is inside the pack there is a waterproof rubberized vinyl liner to keep your gear dry.
*Huge thank you to camopedia.org for digging up the rich history of not only this pattern but nearly every bit of camouflage out there.
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